
What Are Some Good Anime Gif To Use As A Profile Pic

If you've stepped into the anime community for 5 minutes, you'll notice one thing. And that's the hate for anime profile pictures.

More so on social media, forums, or even Google itself.

I started noticing it when I seen then many Quora questions about information technology.

Questions like this:

It's mental ain't it? The hate is real.

It's the aforementioned thing in most places you expect online.

Whether information technology's:

  • Reddit
  • Steam
  • or Twitter.

It's almost as if it'south a universal hatred for ANIME in item. Fifty-fifty when anime'south not office of the conversation, someone will manage to throw some hate towards people withanimeprofile pictures.

It'southward similar a sick obsession for something they plainly don't like.

So why the hate for anime profile pictures?

The detest comes down to a lot of things. Some of it is public knowledge.

But it doesn't always have whatever rhyme or reason to it.

Let's take a look.

ane. Prejudice

"Recently I accept played CS:Become in competitive and every game I bring together at that place is at least 1 person who calls me and my friends who accept anime profile pictures weaboos. And posts actually rude comments on profiles, I recollect information technology is really inappropriate and non fun.

Why are people on the net and so negative towards anime and people who like it?"

Prejudice is when you accept a preconceived notion about someone or something.

In the case of anime – it's as if people have information technology ingrained in their Dnato hate peoplewho like anime, or have profile pictures of them.

Hither'south more than.

"Is anime for loser and weirdo?"

There are even Facebook and Twitter accountsdedicatedto hating on people with anime profile pics.

Along with memes posted targeting people who similar anime.

In these cases similar I hinted before – they're all projecting and there's no logic or purpose to it. Other than tohateand feel better about themselves I suppose.

Related: 7 Outrageous Criticisms Most Anime

two. Bad experiences

"I detest anime contour pictures, almost all of the time they are the biggest d*ckheads ever."

On the surface this seems like ranting. But in that location's a reason to this i.

The person in question didn't similar the way they were treated past someone with an anime profile pic.

And then they associate this feel with people who have anime profile pics (stereotyping).

The interesting affair is how "anime profile film" is thrown into the conversation.

This goes back to the prejudice comment in betoken #1. Being associated with anime is treated like Corona.

But in the end – a few bad apples causes people to irrationally judge you. Anime or otherwise.

Relevant: Why The Coronavirus Has Made Anime More than Popular Than Ever

3. Non knowing who's behind the profile picture

"I guess for me it'due south frequently a sign that they are far from what the icon represents. I'm non a fan of not knowing who someone is, and I'k fifty-fifty less of a fan of having my impressions shattered."

This is something I've said before. A lot of people are judgemental, specially when they're insecure.

If yous have an anime profile motion picture you give haters lessways to gauge you.

The person on Reddit who mentioned this isn't a hater, but that's unremarkably the reasoning when someone is.

4. Hypocrisy


"Anyone using an anime profile pic is not doing so considering of appreciation. They're sending a bulletin, intentional or not.

That message is "I am hiding my appearance. My appearance is a bargain-breaker, and I am well-aware of it. Rather than put along any effort to improve myself, I choose to represent myself instead with animated characters indistinguishable from each other, and renowned for being associated with fans with unpleasant, awkward, and hating behavior."

Before you facepalm yourself, continue in mindthis is coming from an anonymous Reddit account.

Or put another style: an account behind a platform that favors privacy.

The hate for anime isveryreal. And strangely this doesn't apply to any other medium other than anime.

And it somehow doesn't apply to people who arealreadyanonymous when making these claims.

"Did someone hack your account Elon? You seem to have an anime profile moving-picture show now. RU OK????? XD."

Back whenElon Muskchanged his contour pic to Edward Elric in 2019, hypocritical comments popped up everywhere.

All of a sudden it's "confusing" and "doesn't brand sense" considering the person they admire destroyed their preconceptions. And they don't know how to respond.

The benefit of the doubt was given based on what they conjured upward in their own minds. Just never when the person in question isn't famous.

Relevant: The All-time List Of Rappers Who Like Anime

5. Considering "online dating"

YouTube video

The long and brusk of it is: this guy spoke to a daughter on Facebook with an anime profile pic.

He thought she was:

  • Cute
  • Funny
  • Smart

And that lovey dovey talk we all go through when we're into someone.

Turns out when he met this girlhe was disappointedfrom a beauty point of view.

And and then – he's blaming anime, saying "this is why I hate anime profile pictures on Facebook."

The reality is people with REAL pictures don't turn out to exist what you idea every bit well. I've met plenty girls to know it.

Animeis but an alibi to justify your disappointment. Let's telephone call bullsh*t when we run across it.

Why defend anime profile pictures?

That'south simple. I'm willing to speak for people who don't have a voice and are on the receiving end of the abuse or hate.

And no ane else is speaking on it, so I'll gladly exist the 1 to practice information technology.

Yes – at that place are a portion of people who hibernate behind anime profile pictures. The types who are pricks, c*nts and make an absolute mockery of themselves.

And yes – at that place are even people (civilization vultures) who utilize anime contour pictures to button false narratives and calendar'due south in the anime community.

Simplythat'due south never the majority, and information technology shouldn't be treated similar that.

Specially non considering you've dealt with twenty out of millions of people, and are now judging millions based on those 20.

Let's practise meliorate than that.


Anime Haters: This Is Why Anime Fans Get So Much Detest For No Good Reason

four Reasons Why Anime Fans Hide Their Interests From Other People


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